Tuan Minh Trading and Production Co., Ltd attended the China - Asean expo (Caexpo) 2023 in Namzning, China

19/09/2023 10:57

After 3 years of suspension due to Covid, the China - Asean Fair has returned on a large scale. Tuan Minh Trading and Production Company Limited was present at Caexpo 2023 with booth number D08007

From September 13th, the representatives of Tuan Minh Trading and Production Co., Ltd were on the way to beautiful Namzning to attend 20th Caexpo held from September 16th to September 19th. 

Coming to Caexpo, Tuan Minh would like to promote company's products to Chinese and international businessed, as well as to all visitors joining the fair. The company also so hope to gradually penetrate the Chinese market after this fair.

Tuan Minh Trading and Production Co., Ltd attended the China - Asean expo (Caexpo) 2023 in Namzning, China - Ảnh 1.

The General Manager of Tuan Minh Trading and Production Co., Ltd (center) and visitors

Tuan Minh Trading and Production Co., Ltd attended the China - Asean expo (Caexpo) 2023 in Namzning, China - Ảnh 2.

Many visitors approached the booth of Tuan Minh

Tuan Minh Trading and Production Co., Ltd attended the China - Asean expo (Caexpo) 2023 in Namzning, China - Ảnh 3.

Products of Tuan Minh

Tuan Minh Trading and Production Co., Ltd attended the China - Asean expo (Caexpo) 2023 in Namzning, China - Ảnh 4.

Tuan Minh Trading and Production Co., Ltd attended the China - Asean expo (Caexpo) 2023 in Namzning, China - Ảnh 5.

Tuan Minh Trading and Production Co., Ltd attended the China - Asean expo (Caexpo) 2023 in Namzning, China - Ảnh 6.

Tuan Minh Trading and Production Co., Ltd attended the China - Asean expo (Caexpo) 2023 in Namzning, China - Ảnh 7.

Tuan Minh Trading and Production Co., Ltd attended the China - Asean expo (Caexpo) 2023 in Namzning, China - Ảnh 8.


News & Events

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News & Event 19/10/2023 16:24

Tuan Minh Trading and Production Co., Ltd attended the China - Asean expo (Caexpo) 2023 in Namzning, China

After 3 years of suspension due to Covid, the China - Asean Fair has returned on a large scale. Tuan Minh Trading and Production Company Limited was present at Caexpo 2023 with booth number D08007

News & Event 19/09/2023 10:57